My name is Christophe PATTOU

If you like my me to!
I was born in July 3rd 1966 in Paris. I am a boy (I suppose you get it from the photos!)
I am married!. I now live in Paris, France.
I am always interested in creative job, designing and building fantasy things!
and now for a quick resume... going back in time...

2012-2016: Freelance 3D artist for different clients:
Level S3D stereoscopic film, Bagan Films: graphics for the SIMI and the SIIC trophy, 3D teaser: Troglodis, Symbiosis, Sharkit, GraphBox, 3D modeling, etc..

2012 : At SABOTAGE studio: for the promotional movie of the CEREM
I was in charge of the 3D (stereoscopy), but I also made some modeling and 80% of the compositing

2011: DELACAVE studio: for "Cinderella Once Upon A Time... In The West" from Pascal Herold
Lighting on MSP (GPU render optimized by Delacave) and 3D compositing on Nuke

2010 fall: BANJO studio as a Nuke 3d/stereo compositor on the feature film "rabbi's cat", a cartoon movie directed by Joann Sfar et Antoine Delesvaux

2003-2010 : Artistic Images (Paris)
Doing stéréoscopic advertising on "autostéréoscopic" screens. It means... 3D view WITHOUT glasses!
From Meeting with the clients to the finished advertising, from concept to screen! More than 80 short movies directed!
I designed the Point Of Sale Stand for the Artistic images Screens used in all the Carrefour in France and also in Spain from 2004 to 2006

I also designed another P.O.S. stand that won the POPAI (gold in Digital media) in 2005

I made VFX for various shorts and feature films: "Heroe", "Celle que j'aime", "Ne te retourne pas", etc....

2002-2003: 3D art director" at Synthese factory (Paris)
3D illustrations for advertising prints and multimedia
Conceptual design for Thomas Guerigen movie "Fleur Bleu" and other projects

2000-2002: Free lance 3D artist/director
3D studio Max trainer at the Art school "VIA ROMA" (Spain)
Designer and lead 3D artist for the video Game prototype "La Matanza Meccanica", EQLIPSE production (spain)

1996-2000: 3D/2D artist and concept designer at ARTBIT (Spain)
Designing real time characters and sets for television series projects Infoville stories (25 x15 min episodes), Tales of the Island (pilote), Planetes (projet)... and for musical videos and promotional videos
Preproduction illustrations for motion picture projects: "La corte de los Milagros" (Elio Quiroga) and "The city Beneath" (Harrison Ellenshaw)

1991-1994: Concept design, Model maker and/or set designer TV advertising: Crunch chocolate, Xantia car, Data General, Amnesty International,
Various short movies: Le Message, Le Gardien, Absolument inflexible, etc...
Also Regular articles "How to" in Model Making magazines (ABM, Dragon, Tamiya...)